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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Drinking Before A Trip

Drinking Before A Trip

Mr. Goettler talks about a lesson he learned the hard way about drinking the night before a flight.

A Helpful Native

A Helpful Native

Mr. Goettler describes getting lost in the jungle and trying to find water.

Dangerous jungle hike

Dangerous jungle hike

Mr. Goettler talks about a dangerous jungle survival training hike.

Water Buffalo

Water Buffalo

Mr. Goettler talks about a strange encounter he had during a survivor’s course.

Sick in Karachi

Sick in Karachi

Mr. Goettler talks about the unpleasant challenges he met being ill on a five day train ride through India.

Billy's Badge

Billy's Badge

Ms. Gaspard speaks about receiving the badge of a soldier who later died in action.

Letter From Bus

Letter From Bus

Ms. Gaspard recalls the happier times in her service like receiving letters from her boyfriend but also remembers the sadness that wartime brought.

War - A Great Life Experience

War - A Great Life Experience

Mr. Jervis expresses his pride in the Canadian navy’s participation in the Second World War, and states his service was one of the greatest experiences in his lifetime.

HMS Uganda

HMS Uganda

The Uganda was brought back because of political reasons.

Join the Navy to See the World

Join the Navy to See the World

Mr. Jervis talks about the excitement he felt when deciding to join the navy and the opportunities it provided.

Teletype Error results in Close Call

Teletype Error results in Close Call

Mr. Linden shares the story about returning to England as an airline passenger and assisting in a close call landing.

Getting Permission to Marry

Getting Permission to Marry

Mr. Linden explains the complications he encountered with service documentation when obtaining permission to marry

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