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3030 results returned within war Second World War
The British 14th Army

The British 14th Army

Mr. Thomarat talks about the impact that the British 14th Army had on the outcome of the Second World War and the lack of recognition that the Burma Campaign has received.

Finding The Drop Zone

Finding The Drop Zone

Mr. Thomarat recalls the difficulty and stress involved in finding the drop zone and carrying the burden of that stress after the war.

Unloading Soldiers

Unloading Soldiers

Mr. Thomarat talks about dropping soldiers out of planes behind enemy lines in the middle of the night.

The Long Journey Home

The Long Journey Home

Mr. Thomarat’s crew was forgotten after the war. Mr. Thomarat explains that they had to find their own passage.

Christmas In Nijmegen

Christmas In Nijmegen

Dr. Theal describes Christmas celebrations in Nijmegen, Holland

He Died Just Like That

He Died Just Like That

Dr. Theal describes the consequences of cavalier leadership in an assault at Groningen, Holland.

Radio Direction Finding

Radio Direction Finding

Mr. Barrie defines the term RDF, the introduction of radar equipment, and its vital role in determining the exact direction of radar frequency.

Radar Saved the Day

Radar Saved the Day

Mr. Barrie expresses his strong opinion about the fact that if it had not been for radar, the war would have been very different.

Run Over By A Tank!

Run Over By A Tank!

Dr. Theal describes the more common wounds which he treated at the outpost level, and describes a bizarre close call.

Inject Morphine Where Necessary

Inject Morphine Where Necessary

Dr. Theal describes the steps involved in moving the wounded back to the appropriate level of care.

Function of the 10th Field Ambulance

Function of the 10th Field Ambulance

Dr. Theal gives a general description of a field hospital and his reliance on the padre.

I saw a body floating by.

I saw a body floating by.

Dr. Theal describes his D-Day arrival in France and joining his unit outside of Caen.

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