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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Skiing in Russia

Skiing in Russia

Mr. Brown shares a humourous adventure of skiing in Russia and how he accidentally skied through a group of British officers watching his performance.

Crane Operator

Crane Operator

Mr. Brown describes his position as crane operator aboard the HMS Belfast. He describes the danger, responsibility and cold temperatures on the waters off Iceland.

Bad Outbreak of Boils

Bad Outbreak of Boils

Mr. Brown describes how a bad outbreak of boils after service aboard the HMS Belfast led to a charge of “absent from duty” and a confinement to barracks for 14 days, with a surprising outcome.

Reasons for joining the Navy

Reasons for joining the Navy

Mr. Brown shares his story about the desire to join the navy and his chance to go to sea.

Keeping Mother Safe

Keeping Mother Safe

Mr. Estwick discusses how he felt his mother’s safety was directly threatened by the German threat in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and as a result joining the Royal Canadian Air Force to fight the enemy on his own soil.

We Never got any Privileges

We Never got any Privileges

Mr. Yeadon compares the treatment of the Canadian Armed Forces vs. the Merchant Navy with respect to post-war benefits, particularly since merchant service had begun, in many cases, long before active military service.

“Send all Prisoners of war to the Beach”

“Send all Prisoners of war to the Beach”

Mr. Yeadon describes being liberated from Japan by the American Navy, and shipping home.

The Houses Were Going up Like Small Tornadoes

The Houses Were Going up Like Small Tornadoes

Mr. Yeadon describes the impact of American bombing raids on Yokohama and Tokyo.

So Many Prisoners Died of Malnutrition

So Many Prisoners Died of Malnutrition

Mr. Yeadon mourns the loss of a friend who died of malnutrition and describes a later pilgrimage to Yokohama cemetery.

They Used our Fuel for the Japanese to Have a hot Bath

They Used our Fuel for the Japanese to Have a hot Bath

Mr. Yeadon discusses the inadequate food, heat and clothing in the camp.

They Kicked me, and Booted me With Rifle Butts

They Kicked me, and Booted me With Rifle Butts

Mr. Yeadon briefly describes his early work on the docks, being severely beaten for stealing a pair of work gloves and being redeployed to the kitchen staff after a serious illness.

I Think we Were Among the First POWs to be Taken

I Think we Were Among the First POWs to be Taken

Mr. Yeadon describes the sea voyage to Yokohama and being sent to Kawasaki #1 POW camp.

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