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3030 results returned within war Second World War
The Kamloops Kid

The Kamloops Kid

Mr. White describes a notorious and extremely abusive Japanese guard, aka the Kamloops Kid, a Japanese Canadian who returned home to help with Japan’s war effort.

Help From A Japanese Guard

Help From A Japanese Guard

Mr. White describes an amusing experience involving some local peddlers and a helpful Japanese guard.

A Close Call With Grenades

A Close Call With Grenades

Mr. White describes an amusing but frightening experience shortly after the surrender of Hong Kong.

We Started to Dig a Big Pit to Bury Them In

We Started to Dig a Big Pit to Bury Them In

Mr. White describes trying to evacuate and bury the dead from a bombed out residence, and being thwarted by a mortar attack.

My Introduction to War

My Introduction to War

Mr. White discusses Britain’s naive skepticism about Japan attacking Hong Kong. He describes confusion among the Canadian soldiers experiencing their first Japanese air raid.

Two Hundred Men Under Strength.

Two Hundred Men Under Strength.

Mr. White describes the inadequate strength, health and training of the Hong Kong force.

Every Veteran Should be Looked at and Respected

Every Veteran Should be Looked at and Respected

Mr. MacWhirter discusses the need to respect Veterans and our patriotic duty to serve in times of war. He feels that Canadian schools should be more focussed on patriotism.

I’m Scared Sometimes That I’ll Choke my Wife

I’m Scared Sometimes That I’ll Choke my Wife

Mr. MacWhirter describes the importance of his wife in his emotional recovery after the war, and his fear of injuring her during one of his recurring nightmares.

We Became Brothers and we Still Are

We Became Brothers and we Still Are

Mr. MacWhirter describes the lasting impact of the friendships he made during his POW experiences.

We Used a Mirror ‘til They Found Us

We Used a Mirror ‘til They Found Us

Mr. MacWhirter describes his sense of Japan’s approaching defeat, changes in the guard structure, and the good and bad results of the American supply drop.

Bill, you Want to Live?

Bill, you Want to Live?

Mr. MacWhirter describes his personal beatings and the long-term impact of the abuse. He also describes being forced to work with both feet broken and with serious gastrointestinal problems.

Sometimes I Dream About it, the Stink

Sometimes I Dream About it, the Stink

Mr. MacWhirter describes conditions on the Japanese ship, Tatuta Maru, while being shipped to the Omini labour camp in Japan.

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