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We Became Brothers and we Still Are

Heroes Remember

We Became Brothers and we Still Are


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I’d say it was the Canadians. Our morale was much higher. The English, they were always growling at you, they were always complaining. But we had our fun and this and that. Down and out, you know, but there was always something to have a joke at. Like, I was saying about my brother, when he was down there, I brought him in cigarettes and that but anybody that was down, that’s one thing about the... We became brothers. We became brothers and we still are, after all these years. When my brother died there, Bobby Barter, and Phil Dotrige, and Arnold Ross came down from Cascapedia. And when they left, I said, “I love you guys.” I’ve never said that to my brothers, only my brother Harley. Well, we were close. When I hear of somebody, it bothers me. I make it a point, if I can, if I’m not sick, to go to any Hong Kong Veteran's funeral.

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