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3030 results returned within war Second World War
signing up

signing up

Mrs. Wilson talks about why she joined the air force, she explains she joined up after her brother was lost by being shot down as a tall gunner.

Appreciation of the Service Provided!

Appreciation of the Service Provided!

Mr. Chiasson expresses his admiration for the people who appreciated his service including the gratitude from the Dutch citizens for their liberation.

No Troop Ships Available

No Troop Ships Available

With the war over, Mr. Chiasson tells of the rigmarole and frustration in returning to Canada.

The Final Days

The Final Days

Mr. Chiasson describes the final push and the last few hours before the war was finally over.

Holding the Nijmegen bridge

Holding the Nijmegen bridge

Mr. Chiasson explains how his regiment was called in to hold the Nijmegen bridge for the winter to allow supplies to be built up for the anticipated spring drive.

Dreams still haunt

Dreams still haunt

Mr. Chiasson shares the emotions of dreaming of fellow comrades and experiences of so many years ago.

Sixty Days of Battle

Sixty Days of Battle

Mr. Chiasson recalls doing battle sixty days without a break!

Living in a Slit Trench

Living in a Slit Trench

Mr. Chiasson describes a slit trench and the importance of taking cover.

Scared all the Time

Scared all the Time

Mr. Chiasson expresses his emotions during his time and the wonder of his own survival.

A Lot of Opposition

A Lot of Opposition

Mr. Chiasson describes the level of opposition and loss of men during the attack on the beach.

A Loss of One Hundred Men

A Loss of One Hundred Men

Mr. Chiasson witnesses the death of many comrades - a vision he will never forget.

Hitting the Beaches on D-Day

Hitting the Beaches on D-Day

Mr. Chiasson recalls leaving the landing crafts and the tough time many of them endured getting to shore.

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