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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Fellowship of Regiment

Fellowship of Regiment

Mr. Lockyer explains the difference between the fellowship of the men.

Steel Needles and Canadian Nurses

Steel Needles and Canadian Nurses

After being wounded Mr. Lockyer found himself in a hospital where he was glad to see Canadian nurses and doctors.

Shipments From Home

Shipments From Home

Mr. Lockyer explains that infantry normally carry everything they own with them, but explains that many of the men shared many things as well as creatively packaged gifts from home.

Youth Awareness of the Forces

Youth Awareness of the Forces

Mrs. Walmsley tells us about her encounter with youth and the recognition and awareness of her military service.

Commanding Officers Disrespect Towards Women

Commanding Officers Disrespect Towards Women

Mrs. Walmsley shares her feelings upon arrival at #6 Dunnville Manning Depot and the disrespect given by the Commanding Officers towards women service in the military.

Desire to go Overseas

Desire to go Overseas

Mrs. Walmsley speaks about her important role as senior supply officer and her keen desire to go overseas.

Reports of the War Being Over

Reports of the War Being Over

Mr. Ford shares his story about their final realization that the war was over and actions leading up to the surrender of the Japanese.

RCAF Recruitment of Women

RCAF Recruitment of Women

Mrs. Walmsley speaks about her opportunity of being in the first recruitment of women for service in the Second World War by the RCAF.

Significance of the POW Tag

Significance of the POW Tag

Mr. Ford displays and explains in detail the purpose of wearing the POW tag and the ramifications if caught without it.



Mr. Toney describes the lingering emotional scars left by his military service and a unique way of coping with bad memories when they start to overwhelm him.

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

Mr. Toney discusses the meaning of Remembrance Day for him and encourages others to explore the significance of the poppy and of the Armistice.

Understand War

Understand War

Mr. Toney offers a message for youth to read about and understand what war is and if you enlist, do so for the right reasons.

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