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4752 results returned
Difference between Day and Night

Difference between Day and Night

Mr. MacDonald explains the difference between day and night in the city where people go about their business in daylight and as dusk falls the changes and battles begin causing horrific destruction.

Civilians being Targeted

Civilians being Targeted

During checkpoint duty at the PTT building, Mr. MacDonald describes the sights of civilians being targeted by snipers while walking down the sidewalks and the challenges they faced each day.

Preparation and Training in Germany

Preparation and Training in Germany

Mr. MacDonald speaks about the training and preparation he received as a soldier.

Evasion Tactics

Evasion Tactics

Mr. Campbell describes his techniques for evading danger immediately after dropping bombs on heavily defended targets.

Static Front

Static Front











Psychological Strain

Psychological Strain


Diversion Raids

Diversion Raids

Mr. Campbell describes the Allied tactic of faking raids against German assets in coastal France, which forced the enemy to scramble its aircraft, thus expending its limited resources for no reason.

Buzz Bombs and Air Raids

Buzz Bombs and Air Raids

Mrs. McCauley describes the sight of buzz bombs overhead and how the impressions of air raids still remain in her mind today.

Giving his Life to the Military

Giving his Life to the Military

Mr. LeBlanc expresses his pride of service to the military and lifetime involvement with the legion.

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