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4752 results returned
Pep Talk on Juno Beach

Pep Talk on Juno Beach

Mr. Lockyer tells us about the day they arrived on Juno beach and about getting a pep talk by the colonel.

Fellowship of Regiment

Fellowship of Regiment

Mr. Lockyer explains the difference between the fellowship of the men.

Steel Needles and Canadian Nurses

Steel Needles and Canadian Nurses

After being wounded Mr. Lockyer found himself in a hospital where he was glad to see Canadian nurses and doctors.

Shipments From Home

Shipments From Home

Mr. Lockyer explains that infantry normally carry everything they own with them, but explains that many of the men shared many things as well as creatively packaged gifts from home.

Protect your Country!

Protect your Country!

Mr. Taylor expresses the view that it is everyone’s responsibility to protect their country.

Wet Conditions

Wet Conditions

Mr. Taylor describes weather conditions in Korea, in particular the impact of mud resulting from the monsoon rains.

Support for Soldiers Returning Home

Support for Soldiers Returning Home

Mr. Wiseman provides his opinion to the support for military soldiers returning home and how his wife recognized and supported his emotional needs.

Bothered by the Sound of Crying

Bothered by the Sound of Crying

Mr. Wiseman tells of being on guard patrol, hearing the sound of crying, yet not being able to assist because of a mother’s fear of the soldier’s presence

Living Like the Refugees

Living Like the Refugees

Mr. Wiseman shares his realization of how the military service in Bosnia effected himself and his family when returning home.

Playing Tricks for Fun

Playing Tricks for Fun

Mr. Wiseman shares a funny story of how he tricked a fellow soldier when buying bread from the locals.

Youth Awareness of the Forces

Youth Awareness of the Forces

Mrs. Walmsley tells us about her encounter with youth and the recognition and awareness of her military service.

Commanding Officers Disrespect Towards Women

Commanding Officers Disrespect Towards Women

Mrs. Walmsley shares her feelings upon arrival at #6 Dunnville Manning Depot and the disrespect given by the Commanding Officers towards women service in the military.

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