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Guerilla Warfare

Guerilla Warfare

Mr. Wong speaks about guerilla warfare training and how each person was trained in a specific area.

Training In Poona

Training In Poona

Mr.Wong talks about being sent to Poona, India, and the fact that they were trained for guerrilla warfare.

Embarking to India

Embarking to India

Mr. Wong talks about shipping out to the far east; his parents' feelings about him having signed up; and his own sense of excitement mixed with trepidation.

Volunteering to fight in China

Volunteering to fight in China

Mr. Wong talks about volunteering to go overseas to fight the Japanese in China. They then shipped out in January 1944 for the Far East, first stopping in England.

Basic Training

Basic Training

Mr. Wong speaks about the treatment the Chinese received during basic training.

Reasons to Enlist

Reasons to Enlist

Mr. Wong talks about why the Chinese community became enthusiastic about enlisting in the service and about the animosity they felt towards the Japanese.

Re-adjusting to civilian life

Re-adjusting to civilian life

Ms. Stevens talks about finding a job at Hayward's and maintaining contact with the many friends she made during her wartime service in the navy.

Halifax VE-Day Riots

Halifax VE-Day Riots

The looting and the rioting in Halifax was extensive. Navy personnel were blamed and barred from restaurants and other establishments.

VE Day in Halifax

VE Day in Halifax

Ms. Stevens describes leaving Esquimalt and returning to Halifax at the end of the war. She talks about the damage that was done by the people who were celebrating because of the news that the war was over.

Joining the Forces in 1942

Joining the Forces in 1942

Ms. Stevens talks about her brother being shell-shocked on VE-Day and being sent back home on compassionate leave. Even though her brother tried to discourage her, she joined up in 1942.

HMS Manxman's demise (Part 3 of 3)

HMS Manxman's demise (Part 3 of 3)

Mr. Rusling concludes his story about the Marksman being torpedoed with her eventual demise. He also talks about close friendships that developed on the ship.

HMS Manxman's demise (Part 2 of 3)

HMS Manxman's demise (Part 2 of 3)

Mr. Rusling talks about lowering a boat in to the water to rescue a man. They also found the body of one of the stokers in the water but he eventually died as a result of his wounds.

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