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4752 results returned
Dangers of close formation flying

Dangers of close formation flying

During bombing runs, air craft would fly dangerously close to one another. Mr. West talks about the dangers of bumping into another plane while large groups of aircraft were flying together.

The loss of two engines

The loss of two engines

Mr. West tells us how the plane he was travelling on lost two engines while taking enemy anti-aircraft flak. The pilot had prepared the crew to parachute from the plane but he managed to keep the aircraft in the air long enough to make a unannounced emergency landing back in Britain.

Someone will jump on your running board

Someone will jump on your running board

Mr. Parsons describes delivering ordinance to gunnery positions in blackout conditions.

Something flashed . . . a German sniper

Something flashed . . . a German sniper

Mr. Parsons describes zeroing a battery of gun in, on a sniper position.

I gave her my socks and my shoes

I gave her my socks and my shoes

Mr. Parsons describes living briefly with a Dutch family and a short-lived romance.

He taught us to use the rifle to kill people

He taught us to use the rifle to kill people

Mr. Parsons describes his training regimen in Canada and England.

He said Canada just went to war

He said Canada just went to war

Mr. Parsons describes enlisting and being on parade at boot camp in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia..

He died before we got to town

He died before we got to town

Mr. Lammers discusses his army service in Indonesia and once again having to deal with death.

8000 jumped, 800 survived

8000 jumped, 800 survived

Mr. Lammers discusses terrible losses at Arnhem and Nijmegen and their lasting impact on his family.

There was this big German flag

There was this big German flag

Mr. Lammers discusses German collaborators and recriminations against the some of them.

She was sitting there crying

She was sitting there crying

Mr. Lammers discusses aspects of the German occupation, on his family and friends.

Was it Worth It?

Was it Worth It?

Mr. Tomlin reflects on the emotional struggles he faced after the war and whether it was all worth it.

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