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4752 results returned
Hope for the Best

Hope for the Best

Mr. Wright reflects on his two combat jumps and very close call with a German bullet.

.303 Pull!

.303 Pull!

Mr. Wright describes the training required to become a paratrooper.

Landing in Sicily

Landing in Sicily

Mr. Munn talks about the landing of his brigade in Sicily and how the Italian troops did not put up a fight in defence of the island.

Responsibilities and Duties of a Signalman.

Responsibilities and Duties of a Signalman.

Mr. Munn describes the duties that a signaller would have both in the field on manoeuvres and back at headquarters within the regiment.

Suspicions of Conspiracy (part 2 of 2)

Suspicions of Conspiracy (part 2 of 2)

Mr. Batt recalls being questioned by the FBI for a second time, and after transferring to the Cresent Park, hearing that the Duranda's captain and chief engineer had been interned.

Suspicions of Conspiracy (part 1 of 2)

Suspicions of Conspiracy (part 1 of 2)

Mr. Batt recalls being questioned about his captain and chief engineer by the FBI, after a German U-boat passed up an opportunity to sink the Duranda.



Mr. Goodeill discusses the importance of remembrance, and passes on his appreciation for the work done in schools.

Trip Home

Trip Home

Mr. MacBride talks about his trip home from Korea, arriving in Vancouver and meeting his family.

Loss of a Friend

Loss of a Friend

Mr. MacBride talks about the loss of a friend on Hill 355.

Life in a Bunker

Life in a Bunker

Mr. MacBride briefly describes life in the bunkers.

The Enemy Surfaces

The Enemy Surfaces

Mr. Maro recalls seeing a U-boat surface near his ship as they entered the Suez Canal at Port Said.

A Better Person

A Better Person

Ms. MacNeil says that her time in the army was the three best years of her life. She explains why she feels it makes you a better person.

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