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Remembrance Ceremony at the Holten Canadian War Cemetery

Overseas Events

Remembrance Ceremony at the Holten Canadian War Cemetery

Edwin Laird: We saw one of the largest groups I’ve ever seen, the civilians, and it’s impressing. Very impressive to see the young people and people from three generations. This was 70 years ago and still showing this interest. Wonderful. Today we are commemorating the 70th Anniversary of Victory in Europe here at Holten Cemetery. .Interviewer: Travelling with a group, is it important to visit cemeteries and remembrance sites? Sarah Bezanson: I think it’s one of the most important things that we can do for youth because they didn’t live the experience so in order to pay respects to those who fought and died for our freedom, I think it’s absolutely important. Emma Bonjer: I think it’s very special because I think it’s one of the last times that all the good amount of Veterans can come because they’re, of course, getting very old so that’s kind of special. Colin Brown: We talked about, she has a book that she gets Canadian signatures and she showed me a picture of the Nijmegen bridge which had been knocked down. And so I signed my name and I told her, I had just mentioned to her that, that person is the same regiment that I’m in now. Julia Bonjer: Yeah, it was definitely very special to meet them and the entire ceremony was beautiful and very well organized and just great all around.Jesse Soucy: It was kind of happy and kind of sad at the same time, but I’m proud that I could see it. Interviewer: Can you explain your happiness and sadness? Jesse Soucy: Well my happiness is I’m proud that I got to see it, but the sadness is that it’s a shame that he died so young. But I am proud that I got to see it out of my family, I’m probably the only one out of my family that’s probably ever actually going to see it. But yeah I’m proud, but still sad at the same time because, it’s a shame, but he fought for our country and, here, this country. So I’m proud. Canada wordmark

Canadian Veterans and students attend a commemorative ceremony at the Holten Canadian War Cemetery, where some 1,350 Canadians are buried. The ceremony is an annual tradition organized by the Welcome Again Veterans Foundation.

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May 5, 2015

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