The Journey Begins
The Journey Begins
Vimy 1917-2017 The Journey Begins
The sky's sunrise
Interviewer: The time has finally arrived- Our Canadian delegation of Veterans andStatus of Mother Canada with sunrise in sight
youth set out on one of the greatest journeys of a lifetime. The commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge.Images of the Vimy monument
Some thoughts on how they are feeling.Veteran Victor Flett being interviewed
It’s going to be, I always knew about Vimy Ridge from when I was a little kid and thought one day I might be able to visit that memorial. And when I served in the military I thought for sure I would be able to visit that memorial. I was thinking I should put it on my travel plans and go and this came along. And wow, this is so wow, so timely for me. I thought I’m ready for a visit like this.Soldiers on the battlefield firing off cannon fire
Interviewer: Never to forget the soldiers who fought one hundred years ago, members of our delegation share their personal connection.Veteran Victor Flett being interviewed
We were living on grandfather’s land and he had been killed at Vimy Ridge.Veteran Robert McCue being interviewed
My grandfather service on World War I and that how much of an impact that had on me me and his time at Vimy.Youth delegate being interviewed
Just arriving there I will feel overwhelmed to start just with the memories and the history that I know has happened there and shock by what happened and aw, fear, pretty much the entire spectrum of emotions, it’s going to be a very emotional time for everyone. I definitely think that during the ceremony I will probably end up crying just because knowing what went on there, the men who lost their lives but at the same time happiness because this was an amazing victory. Canadians took the ridge, not the French, not the British, Canadians, it’s really what I see is how a country came to be, you know, first time all four Canadian divisions battling together side by side and they took something that was never able to be done by the French or the British before.Canada 150 logo
Voice - A message from the Government of CanadaDescription
The Journey Begins. The time has finally arrived! Our Canadian Delegation of Veterans and youth set out in one of the greatest journeys of a lifetime – the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge.
Meta Data
- Medium:
- Video
- Owner:
- Veterans Affairs Canada
- Recorded:
- April 3, 2017
- Duration:
- 2:41
- War, Conflict or Mission:
- First World War
- Location/Theatre:
- France
- Battle/Campaign:
- Vimy
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