Children with very Little
Heroes Remember
Children with very Little
I remember when I was in Daruvar in ’92,
no sorry ’93 and we’d drive down from Daruvar to
Pakrac and we had a joke called the Pakrac Cadillac.
Basically it was a farm tractor with a wagon full of
hay and people would sit on that.
That was their mode of transportation.
And the best analogy you can see if you ever saw
a movie called “Children of the Corn” and you see
those kids in the cornfield that’s exactly
how they looked like. A lot of kids, you know,
missing teeth, dirty. It was sad to see these kids
living in these conditions and hard looking at
kids from North America and one aspect that
was hard to adapt was after seeing the poverty over
there in Croatia and then when I was in Bosnia,
people doing with the least they have and
making toys out of it. For example, this kid had an
old can and had a stick and he was playing
with it to roll it and then I come back to Canada and
I see our kids, “Oh, I didn’t get the latest Nintendo.
I’m pissed off, blah, blah, blah!” So that’s like going
from there to here and you’re seeing this it’s like,
“What the heck are you complaining about?"
You have more than enough!”
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