Canadian Decision Regarding Hong Kong. Duty and Patriotism
Heroes Remember
Interviewer: When you think back on the decision to send you men
Seaforce to Hong Kong and you think of the chaotic battle at
Hong Kong and the captivity that you endured for almost 4 years,
when you think back on that Mr. Cyr what's your attitude toward
the Canadian government?
Well, I don't think, I don't think that the authorities of the
day played fair. It's now, it's now been proven, because we have
documentation to that effect, that Canada knew on the day that
we left that there were two possible solutions. One we would
die there or the other we would become prisoners of war because
Britain had made the commitment that Hong Kong was not going to
be defended period. So the authorities knew this. So they
knowingly sent, you know 17, 1900 men to, sent them to peril
knowingly so. For this, for this I blame them and I accuse them
of being totally unfair. I grant you in wartime you join the
military to do what you're told to do and to go where you're told
to go, but from a human a human rights standpoint is it fair to
do it knowingly. Maybe you should tell these people. Give
them a chance to volunteer to go. Say "listen there are not
too many chances that you will come back alive, however" and
I'll bet you, had they put it that way, they might have, they
might have received the voluntarism in 90% proportions,
but nobody said anything.
Interviewer: Is it important to you that Canadians understand and
appreciate what you men went through?
Yes it is, it is important in the sense that, mind you if you're
a soldier and you're a part of the defeated, defeated army
defeated group you go on the rest of your life and you say well
I wonder if I'd have done things differently if the outcome
would have been different.
Also you carry the baggage of your comrades who didn't come
back, who died since because of. So the only true
rehabilitation that you have is your perception that the world
around you understands and says so in terms that you understand.
Interviewer: One last question Mr. Cyr. If you had the
opportunity of speaking to young Canadians of this generation or
future generations about pride, country, patriotism, duty, what
would you say to them?
Well as a matter of fact I do speak to young people often. I'm
one of the charter... charter speakers at the Terry Fox Youth
Organization here and my message is, is consistently the same.
Number one, no more war because nobody wins. Secondly, we have
to teach our younger folk to develop ways and means of
communicating efficiently so that problems can be solved before
somebody has to run in the house and pick up the gun, okay.
Thirdly, the metal of a country is tested when that country
is in difficulty and the end result of the test is translated
in terms of the unity of the people of the country towards the
given goal and objective that the country set for itself.
That's a long winded answer.
Interviewer: Mr. Cyr are you proud of the service that you and
the men of the Royal Rifles of Canada and the Winnipeg
Grenadiers gave?
Absolutely, I mean I have never...I've never thought for a
moment that it was a mistake on my part to come to the fore when
I heard the call of the country. And I would do it again
tomorrow if I were able.
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