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Hearing It On The Radio

Heroes Remember

Hearing It On The Radio

Somewhere at five or six or seven o’clock in the morning, I’m on the wireless. And I was so sick and tired of hearing the station we had was 9HX and it was dah-dah-dah-dah-dit, di-di-di-dit, dah-di-di-dah, dah-dah, dah-dah, dah-dah, dah-dah-dit-di-di-di-dit, dah-dah... Interviewer: Morse code, eh? Yeah, it’s Morse code but it was just the 9HX. They, they never stopped it. And it just drive you, drove me to the point well, heck, we’re back in our part of the world, that sort of thing. And I switched over to get some music. And I got a CBC, or would it be called CBC, BBC news story, newscast. In, that was on 66.6 megacycles, and I was up in the high range, you see. And this newscast came on, “The war in Europe is over.” He was announcing it. And, and I got off to get on to my intercom and say, “Hey Les, everybody, the war in Europe is over.” Nobody even answered me and nobody paid any attention to me, ever about that. Of course, the pilot didn’t answer me because he was likely angry that I was listening to the radio station instead of listening to the station I was supposed to be listening to. And I think it was six weeks later that the word got to Minneriya that the war in Europe was over.

Mr. Goettler talks about listening to the radio during a flight mission when he wasn’t supposed to, and hearing that the war in Europe had ended.

George Angus Goettler

George Angus Goettler was born in Palmerston, Ontario on October 23rd in 1923. Mr. Goettler’s father had a grocery store where he, his two brothers and his sister worked. He had a second sister who died at a young age. Mr. Goettler served as a wireless operator, radar operator and tail gunner with the 160 Squadron. After completing their tour, Mr. Goettler’s crew was put on a rest tour where they tested aircrafts. After the war, Mr. Goettler returned to the grocery business, running his own store in Palmerston, Ontario.

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
Person Interviewed:
George Angus Goettler
War, Conflict or Mission:
Second World War
Southeast Asia
Air Force
160 Squadron
Wireless Operator, Radar Operator, Tail Gunner

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