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10 Minutes at the Front

Heroes Remember

10 Minutes at the Front


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When I was leaving home, coming out Georgia Town Road, down here. Petrie's, where I live. This fellow came up from a house to wish me all the best. His name was George Burchell. And , O.K. I went on. And this night in Africa, George came in as a reinforcement. We had some casualties and he had been to England, a year or so before and did the training and everything and was ready to go on the guns, as a gunner, he was trained as a gunner. He came in at night of course and he was just waiting around for, to see the Sgt. Major in the morning. And when I came off duty here was George and I remembered him, shook hands with him and so on and he told me what he was going to do. And there was a Tiger tank up this slope, grassy slope about two hundred yards away that we had knocked out two or three days before. And he said to me, "Would it be alright to go up and have a look around?" He asked me if it was a Tiger and I said "Yes." and he said, "Would it be alright to go up and have a look around?" I said "Sure, I got no authority whatever you want to do I suppose". I said "You haven't been detailed?" "No," he said, "I haven't seen anybody". He said, "Well I'm going up". So George went up and about five minutes after I heard this big "rhump", looked up and here's this fellow (inaudible). So I remember myself, Tony Hall, he's dead now, ran up, and this was George. He picked up a potato masher, a German hand grenade, and pulled the string; plunk, plunk, plunk. In action ten minutes and killed.

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