Using Better Judgement - Video Gallery - Veterans Affairs Canada

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Using Better Judgement

Heroes Remember

Using Better Judgement

Well, see I didn't have to face some of the things that some of the people did, but I lost so many friends, you know, in a cause that we thought was, was really important. We got dragged into World War Two and I just think that those people who were lost should be remembered, and in the remembering it might help people to use a little better judgement about things in the future where they have an opportunity to, to express themselves. There's a wonderful school here in town, called Juno Beach Academy and they are very high on civics, and history, and they do some really great things and they're doing some wonderful things for kids. And encouraging leadership, civic leadership, and they have cadets of course. And Juno Beach Academy is just a wonderful thing, and it's a part of this whole program which I see growing.

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