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Canada, the best place to live

Heroes Remember

Canada, the best place to live

Well I'd just like to say that war is horrible and we just have to learn from what the past to understand what the present should be, you know. I just hope there will never be a war as such as the World War One and World War Two's. Even now the world is not safe. I hope somehow we can obtain peace without having to go to war and I'm just proud that we went and served our country and that we obtained the franchise for our people and I made it, as I say, the mosaic of Canada, the best country in the world to live in. I feel Canada is the best country to live in now, today. I think that everybody is free in a sense, you can do, you can dream of being, doing whatever you want. Just an example as I said Lieutenant Governor, David Lamb as a Governor, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, he was just an immigrant. Adrian Clarkson now is a Governor General and the professions are all available for every person that wants to obtain it. I think there's still some discrimination, but I don't think its as severe as it used to be, the world is just better for us.

Mr. Wong speaks about Canada today as opposed to the Canada of yesterday.

Victor Eric Wong

Mr Wong was born in Victoria, BC and enlisted in 1944 at the age of 18. He went overseas to fight in China after training at Camp Shiloh in Manitoba. He was a rifleman with the Special Operative Executive that fought in Burma and was trained in guerilla warfare.

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
Person Interviewed:
Victor Eric Wong
War, Conflict or Mission:
Second World War

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