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Heroes Remember
I remember we lived on what is now Summer Street and I was
sitting there and I don't know what I was thinking, but felt
like I was just on leave, that I'm, I'm going someplace again.
But of course it didn't happen. I started to work with a lumber
company that is now the Queen Charlotte Armouries, and from there
my brother and I started a (inaudible) door factory out
on what is now Eden Street but we didn't have the money to put
into it and we went bankrupt. You know those days, you couldn't
just go ask for money, it wasn't there. So he went to Ontario
in ‘49, or, yeah ‘49 I guess, and I didn't know what I was going
to do because I came out of high school and went into the
service. So I asked to get back in the service, "No problem."
The only catch to it was, "You're too old to fly."
I was twenty-four going on twenty-five, too old to fly. So I
ended up going as a ground radio operator, and we did teletype
and radio and I stayed at that till 1970, well officially
I was out the 21st of January 1973. Stayed to age limit.
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