Dangerous friends
Heroes Remember
Dangerous friends
The hairiest were daylight raids when we were bombing on a system
called Oboe, and you’d send 500 airplanes on a target,
now they weren’t all on a target in the same instance,
there might be over a twenty minute period. But we’d be trying
to bomb an oil plant which isn’t very big from 20,000 feet and so
you got these airplanes trying to get over that and the marking
is so good, this Oboe system of marking was so tremendous every
airplane was trying to get over the target, and I’ve been in
situations where two airplanes, one is over the top of the other
and the gunner is yelling, “Get out of here, there’s an airplane
with his bomb doors open. He’s going to drop on us!” And the
bomb aimer is down at the front saying, “Left, left, right,
steady,” he wants to drop the bombs, he doesn’t know about that
guy up there. So that’s, you know, that’s kind of frightening.
And our airplane was never hit with a bomb but some of my
squadrons airplanes were - they passed through the wing, they
passed through the fuselage, and I think that was one of the
hairiest things.
Another kind of a dangerous thing was coming out of a target,
you’d fly out maybe two or three miles and then do an almost
right hand, no they’d do a right angle turn, 90 degree turn
heading for home and there you might be flying across, this
guy’s off track on the inside of your turn, might be flying into
you, you know, so those are... some kinds of those things
were hairy things, dangerous things.
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