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The Task of Paratrooping

Heroes Remember

The Task of Paratrooping

Well this was Canadians, Force 136 and there are several of them that live right here in Vancouver. They would, sometimes they would go in by boat on the other end and come up in behind but this was up in the north part and we'd drop these gliders which were the point of no return and then they would go in and they were experienced in demolition or blowing up bridges and disrupting things behind the lines and obviously they fit in with the atmosphere, you know, with being with other nationalities but they were, a lot of Canadians were on this force and in some cases we did paratrooping where a group were being besieged, hemmed in, and you would have to drop these paratroopers in it to a very confined area to bolster up the people that were there, to relieve them a bit, you know, that sort of thing. So there was quite a bit of paratrooping done as well.

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