Learning resources
Tools for students of all ages to learn about remembrance and recognition.
Black Canadians in uniform
(All ages)
Learn about the Black Canadians who served in the Canadian military over the years.
Canadian service in the Americas
(All ages)
Our Veterans and CAF members have always been there –and here– for us.
Liberation 80
(All ages)
Learn about the pivotal role Canadian soldiers played in liberating the Netherlands during the Second World War.

Valentines for Veterans
(All ages)
This Valentine's Day share your love for Canadian Veterans by sending them a valentine.
Classroom activities
Remembrance dog tags
(Ages 12-18)
These research activities focus on those who have died in service to Canada. Choose from over twenty collections.

Recognition cards
(All ages)
Encourage your students to write a personalized message to Veterans they know or who live in your community.
The Isfeld Legacy
(Ages 12-18)
Based on the legacy of Mark Isfeld and his mother Carol, introduces the concepts of humanitarianism and activism.
Meet the Remembrance Club!
(Ages 5-8)
Watch this animated video as our cast of animal characters introduce remembrance activities.
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