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Page 52 from book:
Second World War

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On this page is written the following :

Of the two thousand men of the Canadian Army who shared in the defence of Hong Kong, there died five hundred & fifty-seven. To the ends of the earth they went; far from the land of their birth & choice, carrying to the accomplishment of a hopeless task the undimmed hope of their undaunted youth. They stood steadfast for the honour of Canada & the story of their adventurous courage and heroic endurance will forever uplift the hearts of their fellow countrymen.

"..............,they were young,
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted.
They fell with their faces to the foe."

Deux mille soldats canadiens ont pris part à la défense de Hong-Kong: cinq cent cinquante-sept d'entre eux ne sont pas revenus. Aux extrémités du monde, loin de leur patrie ou de leur terre d'élection, ils ont consacré à l'accomplissement d'une tâche désespérée tout l'espoir inébranlable de leur jeunesse intrépide. L'honneur du Canada a trouvé en eux des champions sans défaillance. Le récit de leur héroïque aventure exaltera à jamais l'âme de leurs compatriotes.

"Mon frère voici le temps ou ton mort rejette sa mort et descend vers ta maison et sonne à la grande cloche le rappel des frères:Ne laisse pas clouer le cercueil."

December 1941 Décembre

Memorial Chamber of the Peace Tower

This page is displayed in the Memorial Chamber of the Peace Tower in Ottawa on the following days:

  • December 5
  • December 6
  • December 7
  • December 8
  • December 9
  • December 10
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