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Westhof Farm Cemetery

Cemetery Plan - Westhof Farm Cemetery

Cemetery Plan - Westhof Farm Cemetery

Westhof Farm Cemetery is located 13.5 Km south of Ieper town centre, on a road leading from the Kemmelseweg N 331, which connects Ieper to Kemmel and on to Nieuwkerke. From Ieper town centre the Kemmelseweg is reached via the Rijselsestraat, through the Lille Gate (Rijselpoort) and straight on towards Armentieres (N365). 900 metres after the crossroads is the right hand turning onto the Kemmelseweg. (Made prominent by a railway level crossing). After passing the village of Kemmel the N331 continues for 4 Km towards Nieuwkerke. On reaching Nieuwkerke the N331 continues on as Seulestraat. 1.5 Km along this road lies the right hand turning onto the Eikelstraat. The cemetery is located 1.4 Km along the Eikelstraat on the left hand side of the road.
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