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Canadian Virtual War Memorial

Leonard Joseph Reynold Chabot

In memory of:

Sergeant Leonard Joseph Reynold Chabot

June 3, 1941

Military Service

Service Number:





Air Force


Royal Canadian Air Force


8 BRS (R.C.A.F.)


1939-1945 Star, Atlantic Star, War Medal 1939-1945, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal and Clasp.

Additional Information


June 5, 1922
Arnprior, Ontario


September 12, 1940
Ottawa, Ontario

Son of Frank and Lucy Chabot, of Hamilton, Ontario.

Brother of Prosper and Anthony Chabot, of the Royal Canadian Air Force. They survived the war. Cousin of Warrant Officer 2nd Class John J.G. Chabot, service number R-69145, who also lost his life on November 30, 1942 while serving with the 418th Canadian Squadron.

He served in Canada and Newfoundland. He had 265 days of service, including 207 overseas.

Commemorated on Page 26 of the Second World War Book of Remembrance. Request a copy of this page. Download high resolution copy of this page.

Burial Information


Ontario, Canada

Grave Reference:

Panel 1. Column 2.


The Ottawa Memorial stands on the north-eastern point of Green Island in the City of Ottawa. Overlooking the northern branch of the Twin Falls of the Rideau River, it commands a panoramic view of the Ottawa River and the Gatineau Hills beyond. The Memorial commemorates those of the Air Forces of the British Commonwealth who lost their lives while serving in units operating from bases in Canada, the British West Indies and the United States of America, or while training in Canada and the U.S.A., and who have no known graves. The main feature of the Ottawa Memorial is a sculptured terrestrial globe in bronze, 3 metres in diameter, on a base formed by three bronze beavers rising from the centre of an ornamental pool. The globe, of open lattice-work corresponding to the lines of latitude and longitude, on which the land masses are super imposed in low relief, is crowned by the Air Forces emblem of a bronze eagle with outspread wings. Two curved screen walls faced in limestone, bearing cast bronze panels on which the names appear, face inwards towards the globe. They are placed slightly off centre to allow a clear view through the Ottawa Memorial from the central steps on Sussex Drive and from the wide pathway. Two Air Force crest exist in the paving between the screen walls. A dedicatory inscription, in English on one screen wall and in French on the other, is incised in the stonework between the bronze name panels, which reads as follows:
1939 - 1945
In honoured memory of the men and women of the air forces of the British Commonwealth and Empire who gave their lives in Canada, in the United States of America and neighbouring lands and who have no known grave.

Information courtesy of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

Digital Collection

Send us your images

  • Biography– Submitted for the project, Operation: Picture Me
  • Newspaper Clipping– Remembered on the pages of the Ottawa Journal. Submitted for the project, Operation Picture Me
  • Document– Interim report of missing Bolingbroke 9007 and crew
  • Memorial– Ottawa Memorial … In honoured memory of the men and women of the Air Forces of the British Commonwealth and Empire who gave their lives in Canada, in the United States of America and in neighbouring lands and seas and who  have no known grave. Photo courtesy of Marg Liessens October 2023.
  • Memorial– Sergeant Leonard Joseph Raymond Chabot as commemorated on the Ottawa Memorial, Ottawa, ON. Photo courtesy of Marg Liessens October 2023.
  • Newspaper clipping– From the Hamilton Spectator c.1942. Submitted for the project Operation Picture Me
  • Inscription– Sergeant LEONARD JOSEPH REYNOLD CHABOT, Pilot Officer FREDERICK JAMES PARKER, Squadron Leader RICHARD BROCK WYLIE and Aircraftman 1st Class FLOYD JOSEPH TIBBETT were presumed to have died on June 3, 1941, the day their aircraft went missing on convoy patrol.  They have no known grave and are commemorated at the Ottawa Memorial.
  • Newspaper clipping– Sergeant LEONARD JOSEPH REYNOLD CHABOT, Pilot Officer FREDERICK JAMES PARKER, Squadron Leader RICHARD BROCK WYLIE and Aircraftman 1st Class FLOYD JOSEPH TIBBETT were reported missing while on convoy patrol in this clipping from the Hamilton Spectator of June 11, 1941.
  • Newspaper clipping– Sergeant LEONARD JOSEPH REYNOLD CHABOT Pilot Officer FREDERICK JAMES PARKER, Squadron Leader RICHARD BROCK WYLIE and Aircraftman 1st Class FLOYD JOSEPH TIBBETT were listed as  ¿Previously Reported Missing - Now for Official Purposes Presumed Dead¿  in this clipping from the Globe and Mail of January 13, 1942.
  • The Ottawa Memorial
  • Inscription– Dedicatory inscription at the Ottawa Memorial
  • Photo of Leonard Joseph Reynold Chabot– Submitted for the project, Operation: Picture Me

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