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Canadian Virtual War Memorial

Clarence Arnold Elliott

In memory of:

Private Clarence Arnold Elliott

August 8, 1918

Military Service

Service Number:







Canadian Infantry (Quebec Regiment)


14th Bn.

Honours and Awards:

Distinguished Conduct Medal

Additional Information

Son of William T. and Anna Armina (née Lowry) Elliott, of East Clifton, County Compton, Quebec.

Private Elliott had taken a business course at Stanstead College and also studied telegraphy so that he could relieve his father as the railway agent at the Clifton Station.

In 1915 he went into business as a general merchant in Clifton. In March of 1916 he enlisted in the 117th Battalion and went overseas as a bandsman. In England, he trained as a stretcher bearer and later went into the infantry.

He was present at the taking of Vimy Ridge, in the battle of Messines and Passchendaele and numerous others. He was gassed in 1917 and lost his voice for several months. In March 1918, he was buried by earth from a shell but escaped without a scratch.

He took special training in sharp shooting and was taken into the Intelligence section of the Battalion. He won prizes as best shot out of a group of 200 men. He was put up as a guntester and remained at this until the big drive August 8th when he lost his life by a machine gun bullet through his side. He was 22 years old when he died.

He had been a fine upstanding man in the community before his military experiences where he earned a Distinguished Conduct Medal. Passage taken from 'The War Years in Clifton' - A Commemorative Book

Commemorated on Page 403 of the First World War Book of Remembrance. Request a copy of this page. Download high resolution copy of this page.

Burial Information

Grave Reference:

V. B. 8.


Crouy is a village about 16 kilometres north-west of Amiens on the west side of the River Somme, on the Amiens-Abbeville main road. The CROUY BRITISH CEMETERY is a little south of the village on the west side of the road to Cavillon and there is a Commonwealth War Graves Commission signpost on the main road.

Information courtesy of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

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  • Photo of Clarence A Elliott– Lance Corporal Elliott attended Stanstead College during the session of 1913-14. He graduated from Bugbee Business College and went into business as a general merchant. In March 1916, he enlisted as a bandsman in the 117th Battalion at Sherbrooke. Soon after reaching England, the 117th was broken-up and the bandsmen were trained as stretcher bearers and later as infantry. Clarence was transferred to the 23rd Reserve Battalion and then drafted to 14th Royal Montreal regiment, and sent to France in April 1917. He went into action first at Vimy Ridge, and later fought at Messines and Passchendaele and numerous other battles. In the summer of 1917 he was gassed and lost his voice for several months. In the drive of 1918 he was buried with earth from a shell but escaped all injury.
Through the winter months 1917 and 1918, Clarence took special training for sharp shooting and was taken into the Intelligence Section of this Battalion. Here he won two prizes for being the best shot out of 200 picked men. He was then made gun tester for competition and instructor. He remained at this until the big drive of August 8th, when he lost his life from a machine gun bullet wound in the side. He died in the clearing station from loss of blood. 
Lance Corporal Elliott won the Distinguished Conduct Medal, for gallantry and devotion to duty. In a letter to his parents, Lieut. Col. Dick Worrall, the officer commanding the battalion, says, “Your son was indeed a brave soldier and his loss was a distinct one to the Battalion. The action by which he won the Distinguished Conduct Medal was a most glorious and self-sacrificing one, and I turst that, whilst mourning his loss, this token of recognition by the higher authorities in the award of a most coveted decoration, together with the knowledge that he died valiantly fighting for the cause of righteousness and liberty, will somewhat alleviate the great loss you have to bear.”
  • Grave Marker– Died of wounds. Photo and additional information provided by The Commonwealth Roll Of Honour Project. Volunteer Mike Symmonds

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