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Peace Park

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Municipality/Province: Rivière-à-Claude, QC

Memorial number: 24043-008

Type: Canada Company LAV III Monument

Address: 240 Route 132

Location: Located across the street from the house at 240 Route 132

GPS coordinates: Lat: 49.2268013   Long: -65.9214082

Submitted by: Jacques Bouchard

Photo credit: Jacques Bouchard

Peace Park is dedicated to the 40,000 Canadian soldiers who bravely served in Afghanistan. A large parking lot provides access to an LAV III where you will have to walk in front of the granite plaque that bears the names of the 162 Canadians who made the ultimate sacrifice. The view of the Gulf of St. Lawrence is stunning, and try to take a picture when the sun sets. The magnificent landscape makes this park a wonderful place for reflection.

Inscription found on memorial

GREFF Byron, ROY Francis, MANNING Karl, SCHERRER Yannick, MARTIN Steve, PINKSEN Brian, COLLIER Brian, MILLER Andrew, GIESEBRECHT Kristal, Mac NEIL James, GOUDREAULT Martin, RUDD Larry, PARKER Geoff, Mc KAY Kevin, BLAKE Douglas, TODD Tyler, FITZPATRICK Darren, BAKER Joshua, PAUL Francis, FAUGHT John, MIOK George, TAYLOR Kirk, Mc CORMACK Zachery, CHIDLEY Garrett, NUTTALL Andrew, MARSHALL Steven, BOYES Justin, COUTURIER Jonathan, LORMAND Patrick, DROUIN Jean-François, PÉPIN Yannick, ALLARD Mathieu, BOBBITT Christian, COURCY Sébastien, JOANNETTE Martin, AUDET Patrice, MICHAUD Charles-Philippe,

BULGER Nicholas, DUBÉ Martin, PÉLOQUIN Alexandre, MENDES Michelle, BLAIS Karine, HAYES Corey, BOUTHILLIER Jack, VERNELLI Scott Francis, CROOKS Tyler, DIAB Marc, BROWN Denis, O’QUINN Kenneth, FORTIN Dany, GREENFIELD Sean, GOOD Brian, KRUSE Gregory, ROBERGE Gaétan, FREEMAN Michael, JONES Justin, CURWIN John, HAMILTON Thomas, WILSON Robert, Mc LAREN Robert, DIPLAROS Demetrios, SHIPWAY Scott, GRENON Andrew, HORN Chadwick, SEGGIE Michael, EADES Shawn, WASDEN Dustin, STOCK Stephan, DOYLE Erin, ROBERTS Joshua, ARNAL James, WILMOT Colin, DOWNEY Brendan, SNYDER Jonathan, LEARY Richard, STARKER Michael, STREET Terry, BOYES Jason, OUELLET Jérémie, HAYAKAZE Michael, GONTHIER Étienne, RENAUD Richard, MASSOUH Hani, LABBÉ Éric, DION Jonathan, LÉVESQUE Michel, BEAUCHAMP Nicolas, HORNBURG Nathan, RUCKPAUL Raymond, DUCHESNE Christian, MERCIER Mario, LONGTIN Simon, DAWE Matthew, ANDERSON Jordan, BASON Colin, BARTSCH Cole, WATKINS Lane, FRANCIS Jefferson, KARIGIANNIS Christos, BOUZANE Stephen, WIEBE Joel, CASWELL Darryl, PRIEDE Darrell Jason, Mc CULLY Matthew, KLUMPENHOWER Anthony, PENTLAND Patrick, STEWART Allan, POLAND Brent, GREENSLADE David, KENNEDY Kevin, WILLIAMS Aaron, STANNIX Christopher, LUCAS Donald, MEGENEY Kevin, STORM Albert, GIROUARD Robert, WILLIAMSON Blake, TEDFORD Darcy, WILSON Mark, MITCHELL Robert, GILLAM Craig, KLUKIE Josh, MORLEY Keith, KEATING Shane, BYERS David, ARNOLD Glen, GRAHAM Mark, MELLISH Frank, STACHNIK Shane, CUSHLEY William, NOLAN Richard, BRAUN David, EYKELENBOOM Andrew, WALSH Scott, ARNDT Raymond, REID Christopher, KELLER James, INGRAM Vaughn, DALLAIRE Kevin, WARREN Jason, GOMEZ Francisco, BONECA Anthony, GODDARD Nichola, PAYNE Randy, MANSELL Myles, DINNING Mathew, TURNER William, COSTALL Robert, WILSON Timothy, DAVIS Paul, WOODFIELD Braun, MURPHY Jamie, BEERENFENGER Robbie, SHORT Robert, LÉGER Marc, DYER Ainsworth, SMITH Nathan, GREEN Richard, *BERRY Glyn, *LANG Michelle, *GLAZER Martin, *Mc SHEFFREY Peter


La colombe de la paix apparaît au-dessus de ces 162 noms

Cette colombe est gravée est entre les mots suivants :


Est inscrit sur une plaque vissée au véhicule blindé léger III :

Canada Company – La compagnie Canada

In recognition and memory of the efforts of approximately 40 000 Canadian Armed Forces personnel who served and the 162 Canadian who died in the cause of bringing peace and freedom to the people of Afghanistan.

En mémoire et en reconnaissance des efforts des quelque 40 000 membres des Forces armées canadiennes qui ont servi en Afghanistan et des 162 Canadiens qui sont morts pour la cause de la paix et de la liberté du peuple afghan.


Une affiche explique la raison d’être du Parc de la paix sur laquelle est inscrit :


Pour ceux et celles qui ont servi en Afghanistan

L’engagement du Canada en Afghanistan (de 2001 à 2014) constitue la plus longue guerre jamais menée par le pays. Il a donné lieu aux premiers combats importants des forces canadiennes depuis la guerre de Corée (de 1950 à 1953). Après les attaques terroristes de 2001 sur les États-Unis, le Canada se joint à la coalition internationale mise en place pour détruire le réseau terroriste Al-Qaïda et le régime des talibans qui l’abrite en Afghanistan. Plus de 40 000 membres des Forces armées canadiennes ont servi dans le cadre de cette campagne qui s’est étalée sur 12 années.

For those who served in Afghanistan

Canada’s engagement in Afghanistan (from 2001 to 2014) constitutes the longest contribution of all conflicts served by this country. Canada’s Armed Forces’ combat role in this mission has been most substantive since the Korean War (1950 to 1953). Following the terrorist attacks on the United States in 2001, Canada joined the established International Coalition to destroy the Al-Qaida terrorist cell and the harbouring Taliban regime in Afghanistan. Over 40 000 Canadian Armed Forces members served in this campaign which spanned over 12 years.

Source : Stephen Azzi et Richard Foot, Guerre en Afghanistan, L’Encyclopédie canadienne, 4 juin 2009, article consulté le 29 avril 2019.


This information is provided by contributors and Veterans Affairs Canada makes it available as a service to the public. Veterans Affairs Canada is not responsible for the accuracy, currency or reliability of the information.

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