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Mitchell Gardens Interpretive Panel

Municipality/Province: Chilliwack, BC

Memorial number: 59006-040

Type: Interpretive panel

Address: 101 Chehalis Drive

GPS coordinates: Lat: 49.1053452   Long: -121.9673296

This interpretive panel was installed as part of the Garrison Crossing Legacy Walk.

Inscription found on memorial

[left side/côté gauche]

Daily Life in Mitchell Gardens

Mitchell Gardens was a community that shared the rhythms of military life. Every morning at 6:30 the community would wake up to the scratchy, but distinctive, sound of 'Reveille' from a loudspeaker at the main gate. The cars would seem to start up at the same time with 'good mornings' called from neighbour to neighbour. It would be quet again until the older children went to school and the younger ones came out to play. After supper, families would congregate on the front steps of their homes to talk about the day or 'the boss'. However it was always quiet by 9:00 p.m. as the military day started early. Just as the music ushered in the day, so too did it signal its end, when the sounds of 'Retreat' could be heard at sunset. This was life in Mitchell Gardens - Reveille, O Canada, God Save the Queen and Last Post were played every day up to the closing of the vase in the Spring of 1998.

Le quotidien à Mitchell Gardens

À Mitchell Gardens, la vie du quartier suivait les horaires militaires. Tous les matins, à 6h30, le quartier s'éveillait au son du « réveil », cet air de clairon si distinctif diffusé par un haut parleur grinchant depuis l'entrée principale. Les voitures semblaient toutes se mettre en route  la même heure, pendant que les voisins se saluaient. Ensuite, le calme revenait jusqu'à ce que les écoliers prennent le chemin de l'école et que les tout-petits sortent jouer dans le jardin. Après le souper, les familles se réunissaient sur les galeries pour jaser, parler de leur journée our du « patron ». Mais le calme revenait dès 2th parce que la journée musicales, elle se terminait aussi en musique, alors que les sons de la « retraite » se faisaient entendre au crépuscule. À Mitchell Gardens, la vie suivait ce rythme - le réveil, O Canada, Dieu protège la reine et le dernier clairon ont été joués tous les jours jusqu'à la fermeture de la base, au printemps 1998.


[right side/côté droite]

The "400 Club"

On the base, there were several clubs that helped create a sense of belonging for the residents living on the base. The Mitchell Gardens Community Council was one organization that played a significant role in the organization of events and activities that fostered community spirit. One program sponsored by the group, called the "400 Club", reflected the blossoming of the community in the early 1970s. For $2 per month, each of the 400 members would be entered into a draw to receive monthly club prizes of cash and merchandise. Proceeds from this lottery were used to purchase playground equipment and to fund the construction of baseball diamonds and playfields. The community council supported many community groups including a minor baseball association and sponsored events such as 'green thumb' contests, and the 'Festival of Lights' at Christmas. It was through these groups that residents could feel an instant sense of belonging even though as military personnel, they were transferred frequently to other bases.

Le « Club des 400 »

De nombreux clubs ont été formvs sur la base, afin de créer un sentiment d'appartenance pour les résidents. Le conseil communautaire de Mitchell Gardens était un organisme qui a joué un rôle important dans l'organisation d'événements et d'activités pour stimuler l'esprit communautaire. Un des programmes parraineés par le groupe s'initulait le  et reflétait le sentiment communautaire du début des années 1970. Moyennant 2 $ par mois, chacun des 400 membres pouvait participer à un tirage mensuel et courir la chance de gagner des [rest of the inscription is unclear in photo/le reste de l’inscription n’est pas clair sur la photo]


Street view


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