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Mike Ralph Way

Hidden photo gallery

Municipality/Province: Calgary, AB

Memorial number: 48002-073

Type: Street; plaque

Address: Mike Ralph Way

Location: Garrison Green

GPS coordinates: Lat: 51.0029844   Long: -114.1246247

Mike Ralph Way was dedicated in 2004.

The streets in Garrison Green were initially named after the places where Canadian troops had served on peacekeeping missions and were to be renamed to reflect Lincoln Park’s history as an airfield during the Second World War. The Canadian Association of Veterans in United Nations Peacekeeping's (CAVUNP) national president at the time, Colonel Don Ethell, objected. The Calgary chapter of CAVUNP proposed 16 Canadian peacekeepers names, of which 13 were chosen. Each street is named after a Canadian Peacekeeper, of varying ranks and service time frames. A summary of the Peacekeepers’ experiences is provided with a plaque placed on each street. Together they provide a comprehensive overview of Canadian peacekeeping missions and experiences from the 1950’s to 2000.

Inscription found on memorial

[street sign/panneau de rue]



In the summer of 1992, Sergeant "Mike" Ralph was assigned to the United Nations Protection Force
(UNPROFOR), whose mandate was to create conditions of peace and security in parts of war-torn
Yugoslavia. A career soldier, Ralph was trained as a combat engineer and served as the
non-commissioned officer of a Canadian Engineer landmine clearance team. On August 17, 1992, Ralph
returned to double-check a minefield that had been cleared the previous day. He was killed by an
exploding booby trap that his colleagues had missed inadvertently.

UNPROFOR was initially established in Croatia with the primary mandate to create conditions of peace
and security required for the negotiation of the settlement of Yugoslav crisis. As fighting intensified
the mission's mandate was extended to Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Macedonia. Ralph's death was one of
167 United Nations fatalities during UNPROFOR's three-year mission between 1992 and 1995.


À l'été 1992, le sergent "Mike" Ralph a été affecté à la Force de protection des Nations Unies(FORPRONU)
chargée de créer les conditions nécessaires pour pacifier et sécuriser certains secteurs de la Yougoslavie.
Soldat de carrière, le Sergent Ralph était formé au génie d'assaut et a servi à titre de sous officier auprès
d'une équipe de sapeurs canadiens chargés du déminage. Le 17 août 1992, le Sergent Ralph a décidé de
vérifier un champ de mines qui avait été déminé la veille et été tué par un piège explosif que ses
collègues n'avaient pas repéré.

Établie en Croatie pour insaurer la paix et la sécurité nécessaires aux négociations d'une solution à la
crise yougoslave, la mission de la FORPRONU a été élargie, au fur et là mesure des hostilités, pour
englober la Bosnie, l'Herzégovine et la Macédoine. Le Sergent Ralph est un des 167 membres de la Force
des Nations Unies qui ont trouvé la mort durant la mission de la FORPRONU, de 1992 et à 1995.

Canada's Peacekeeping Heroes
Les héros candiens du maintien de la paix

Canada Lands Company Limited
Société immobilière du Canada limitée

Street view


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