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Dallaire Avenue

Hidden photo gallery

Municipality/Province: Calgary, AB

Memorial number: 48002-083

Type: Street; plaque

Address: Dallaire Avenue

Location: Garrison Green

GPS coordinates: Lat: 51.0033763   Long: -114.1272239

Dallaire Avenue was dedicated in 2004.

The streets in Garrison Green were initially named after the places where Canadian troops had served on peacekeeping missions and were to be renamed to reflect Lincoln Park’s history as an airfield during the Second World War. The Canadian Association of Veterans in United Nations Peacekeeping's (CAVUNP) national president at the time, Colonel Don Ethell, objected. The Calgary chapter of CAVUNP proposed 16 Canadian peacekeepers names, of which 13 were chosen. Each street is named after a Canadian Peacekeeper, of varying ranks and service time frames. A summary of the Peacekeepers’ experiences is provided with a plaque placed on each street. Together they provide a comprehensive overview of Canadian peacekeeping missions and experiences from the 1950’s to 2000.

Inscription found on memorial

[street sign/panneau de rue]


As commander of the United Nations Observer Mission in Uganda and Rwanda (UNOMUR) in 1993-94,
General Roméo Dallaire strove to prevent the bloody conflict between the majority Hutus and minority
Tutsis in Rwanda. But his warnings went unheeded and his repeated requests for additional forces were
declined. In the bloodshed that followed, hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed, along with a
number of General Dallaire's forces. On his return to Canada, Dallaire passionately communicated the
need for a comprehensive mandate and full Security Council support to for future UN missions. Dallaire
served more than 35 years in the Canadian Forces, including tours with NATO in Germany and as a
peacekeeper in Cyprus. His open declaration of his difficulties in dealing with the Rwanda massacres
helped bring attention to the acceptance of Operational Stress Injuries, specifically Post-traumatic Stress
Disorder, experienced by military and civilian personnel who have witnessed traumatic events.


Commandant de la Mission d'observation des Nations Unies en Ouganda et au Rwanda (MONUOR) en
1993-94, le Général Roméo Dallaire a vaillamment lutté contre l'éclatement d'un conflit sanglant entre la
majorité hutue et la minorité tutsie au Rwanda. Malheureusement, ses avertissements furent ignorés et
ses multiples demandes de renforts refusées. Durant la tuerie qui suivit, des centaines de milliers de civils
furent massacrés, de même que plusieurs membres des forces du général Dallaire. À son retour au
Canada, le Général Dallaire a passionnément communiqué le besion d'un mandat comlet et de l'appui
total du Conseil de sécurité pour les futures missions des Nations Unies. Durant sa carrière de plus de
35 ans au sein des Forces canadiennes, le Général Dallaire a srvie auprès de l'OTAN en Allemagne et
avec les Casques bleu à Chypre. Sa franchise au sujet des difficultés qu'il a éprouvées à la suite des
massacres au Rwanda a sensibilisé les gens sur les traumatismes opérationnels, plus précisément le
syndrome de stress post-traumatique, dont souffrent les militaires et les civils témoins d'événements

Canada's Peacekeeping Heroes
Les héros candiens du maintien de la paix

Canada Lands Company Limited
Société immobilière du Canada limitée

Street view


This information is provided by contributors and Veterans Affairs Canada makes it available as a service to the public. Veterans Affairs Canada is not responsible for the accuracy, currency or reliability of the information.

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