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Navan Cenotaph

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Municipality/Province: Navan, ON

Memorial number: 35024-006

Type: 5 stelæ; grey and black granite cenotaph

Address: 1295 Colonial Road

Location: In the parking lot of the Navan Memorial Centre & Arena

GPS coordinates: Lat: 45.4218168   Long: -75.4212144

Submitted by: Richard Turcotte

This cenotaph was refurbished from the original 1987 monument, and re-dedicated in October 17, 2010 by the Citizens of Navan. The five granite stelæ have been relocated from the entrance to Navan Memorial Centre to the east edge of the arena parking area.

The leftmost and rightmost stela have the dedication inscription, with the three centre stelæ having the names of those who gave their lives, and engraved badges of the Canadian Forces, Royal Canadian Navy, Canadian Army, and Royal Canadian Air Force. The left edge of the memorial has a sponsorship plaque for the memorial.

Inscription found on memorial

[left stela/stèle gauche]

Dedicated to the glory of God. To honour all those who serve our country, those who served and in memory of all who paid the supreme sacrifice. Lest we forget.

[right stela/stèle droit]

Dédié à la gloire de Dieu. Pour honorer tous ceux et celles qui servent notre pays et qui l’ont servi, et à la mémoire de ceux et celles qui sont morts pour la patrie. N’oublions pas.

[centre stela/centre stèle]

Their name liveth for evermore. Leur nom vivra à jamais.

1899 – 1902
Burns, Oliver

1914 – 1918
Alywin, Arthur
Armstrong, Byron
Armstrong, Wellington
Bird, Leonard
Coke, Charles
Cotton, Charles
Dagg, Frederick
Dunning, Warren
Evans, Henry
Gregory, George
Hughes, Joseph
Kilrae, Robert
Lancaster, Lowell
Plant, George
Shaw, Garrett

1939 – 1945
Irwin, David
McFadden, Cecil
Obre, David
O’Neil, Alton
Pruner, Earl
Smith, William

1950 – 1953

Vaillancourt, Gary

[sponsor plaques/plaques sponsor]

Sponsors of the Navan Cenotaph restoration project
Commanditaires du projet de restauration de Cénotaphe de Navan

Lest we forget…
N’oublions pas…

Cumberland Township Agricultural Society (Navan Fair)
BFI/Friends of the Mer Bleue Community Fund
Veterans Affairs Canada/ Anciens Combattants Canada
City of Ottawa/ Ville d’Ottawa
Street Dance 2010

Platinum/ Platine
Navan Lions Club
Dinah & Eric Smith
Annis O’Sullivan Vollebeek Ltd.
Josef Trombetta at Vars Concrete
Simpson Electric Ltd.

Gold/ Or
Cloverhurst Farms (Stanley, Glen & Wayne Edwards)
Navan Veterinary Services
Nancy & Bill Mills
Dust Evans Grandmaître Lawyers/ Avocats
The New Oak Tree

Silver/ Argent
Home Hardware, Sarsfield
Navan Community Association/ L’association des residents de Navan
Heritage Funeral Home
Navan Curling Club
Eastern Memorials
Vignoble Domaine Perrault Winery
J.T. Bradley & Sons Ltd.
J.T. Bradley’s Country Convenience (2005) Inc.
Blackbird Communications
Mary & Blair Buchanan
McGarry Family Chapels
Tanner Insurance Service Ltd.
Capt. W.A. Jacobs
William A. Shaw
Wendy & Derek Blue
Daniel R. Charron
Ace Body Shop
Connie & Sam Dagg
Jean & Fred Muggleton
Barbara Hedman & Murray MacDonald
Suzanne & André Rollin
Navan Volunteer Firefighters
J.A. Laporte Flowers & Nursery
Florence J. Bird Llads
James & Helen McWilliams & Family
André Taillefer Ltd.
Yves Potvin Interlock

Gwen & Ross Bradley
Evelyn & Ron Deavy
Eilleen & Robert Vaillancourt
Carol & Ronald Quail
Teresa Birmingham & Ronald S. Petersen
Vicki & Larry St. Cyr
M.L. Bradley Ltd. School Bus Service
SURE Print & Graphics
Bourbonnais Equipment
Centre de Pneus Marion Tire Centre
Chilly Chiles
Shoppers Drug Mart, Orleans
J.A. Williams Sales & Service
Bruce Staal
N.S. Rivington Cartage Ltd.
Pam & Brian Miller
Ruth & Gord Curry
Joel Anderson Vaillancourt
Doreen & Basil McFadden
Inez & William McFadden
Christina & Hal MacPherson
Ottawa Little Theatre
Joanne & Don Griffin
Patricia Newton & John Crundell
Brenda & Phil Muggleton
Mario Lavoie & Family
St. Mary’s Anglican Church
Navan- Vars United Church
Deborah & Ray Noble
Williamson Consulting Inc.
The Cotton Family

Plus 150 “Friends of the Cenotaph”
Ainsi que 150 “Amis du Cénotaphe”

What is a Veteran?
A Veteran, whether active duty, retired or reserve- is someone who at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank cheque, made payable to “the Country of Canada” for an amount of “up to and including my life”.

Qu’ce qu’un ancien combattant?
Un ancien combattant est une personne qui est membre en service actif, à la retraite, ou membre en réserve, qui a décidé qu’elle serait prête à tout sacrifier pour son pays, le Canada, y compris sa vie.


Navan Veterans Memorial. Dedicated 28 June 1987. Re-dedicated 17 October 2010. Monument commémoratif des Anciens Combattants de Navan. Dévoilé le 28 juin 1987. Dévoilé de nouveau le 17 octobre 2010.

Street view


This information is provided by contributors and Veterans Affairs Canada makes it available as a service to the public. Veterans Affairs Canada is not responsible for the accuracy, currency or reliability of the information.

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