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Peacekeeper Statue

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Municipality/Province: Calgary, AB

Memorial number: 48008-018

Type: Statues - bronze

Address: 3031 Dallaire Avenue SW

Location: Peacekeepers Park

GPS coordinates: Lat: 51.0033214   Long: -114.1270875

Submitted by: Kevin Evans. Don Ethell. Peacekeeper Park Committee.

Peacekeeper Statue was dedicated on August 9, 2004. It was designed by landscape architect Jim Laidlaw and renowned bronze sculptor Don Begg of Studio West Bronze Foundry Ltd. The statue is a symbol of Canadian Peacekeepers – ready for combat, but also actively participating in making people’s lives better. A Canadian solider is depicted in full battle dress with his weapon at relaxed ready, offering an ‘Izzy’ doll to a little girl in a war-torn village somewhere in the Bosnia and Herzegovina region in the early 1990s. The girl is depicted timidly reaching out for the doll. The Izzy doll is named after Mark Isfeld, whose mother crocheted small dolls for him to give to local children while on patrols during his tour. 

The statue is part of Peacekeepers Park.

Inscription found on memorial



During Peacekeeping tours in Kuwait and Croatia Master Corporal Mark
Isfeld, a Combat Engineer, gave out little dolls crocheted by his mother,
Carol, to calm frightened and bewildered children. Isfeld was killed by
a land mine near Kakma, Croatia on the 21st of June 1994. "Izzy" dolls
continue to be hand made by many people across Canada and
are distributed to children around the world by Canadians serving on
peacekeeping missions.


Pour calmer des enfants terrifiés, le Caporal-chef Mark Isfeld, un
démineur du génie d'assaut en service au Koweit et en Croatie, leur
distribuait des petites poupées crochetées par sa mère. Mark Isfeld a
été tué par une mine près de Kakma, en Croatie, le 21 juin 1994.
Beaucoup de Canadiens continuent de confectionner le poupées Izzy,
surnom qu'on lui avait donné, et des Casques bleus canadiens
continuent de les distribuer à des enfants au cours de leurs missons
dans le monde eniter.

Sculptor/Sculpteur Don Begg, Studio West Ltd.

Canadian Association of Veterans
In United Nations Peacekeeping
Association Canadienne des Vétérans
des Forces de Paix des Nations-Unies

Canada Lands Company
CLC Limited
Société immobilière
du Canada CLC limitée

Street view


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