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2919 results returned within branch Army
They lost five or six planes

They lost five or six planes

Mr. Lammers describes bomber traffic over Holland.

Why they're committed to their efforts

Why they're committed to their efforts

Mr. Laxton challenges Canada's youth to understand the role of Canada's military.

Somebody fired a couple mortars

Somebody fired a couple mortars

Mr. Laxton discusses Canadian diplomacy, diverting a retaliatory bombardment away from civilian targets.

Communism Stopped, War Not Ended

Communism Stopped, War Not Ended

Mr. Gowing discusses the pushing toward the Chinese border, only to fall back and voices his discouragement with how the war ended with Korea; divided the same way it had been in the beginning.



Mr. Gowing recalls what it was like to be ambushed, describing running into North Korean soldiers in disguise, and being ambushed in a cornfield.

Waves of Screaming Enemy

Waves of Screaming Enemy

Mr. Gowing recalls how the North Korean and Chinese forces would attack in waves, sending thousands of troops against 40 - 50 Canadian soldiers.

Fighting For and Losing Friends

Fighting For and Losing Friends

Mr. Gowing describes how the largest motivation on the front line was to protect your friends and comrades, who were doing the same for you. He then describes how hard it was to see friends die.

Jumpy Nerves

Jumpy Nerves

Mr. Gowing describes how although memories don't actually haunt him, events can trigger flashback type memories. He then describes how his jumpy post-war nerves made him a dangerous man to wake up, and recalls how he reacted to a firecracker thrown at his feet weeks after returning from Korea.

Under Fire

Under Fire

Mr. Gowing recalls what it was like to be under fire in Korea. He describes taking cover from shells and grenades being rolled down hills, liking it to hell.

Bren Gun

Bren Gun

Mr. Gowing describes the attributes of the Bren Gun.

Joining Up

Joining Up

Mr. Gowing attributes part of his ambition to serve Canada, to his learning of war as a child. He then describes how he left his job in the middle of work in order to enlist.

Hope for the Best

Hope for the Best

Mr. Wright reflects on his two combat jumps and very close call with a German bullet.

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