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2919 results returned within branch Army
Hard Not to Get Involved

Hard Not to Get Involved

Mr. Neepin explains the difficulty he felt in being ordered to observe conflicts or persecution of civilians, and document the aftermath, but not get involved unless directly fired upon.

The Heart of Canadian Soldiers

The Heart of Canadian Soldiers

Mr. Neepin describes escorting civilians into invaded towns to retrieve items from their homes. He recalls one particular escort in which he felt they as Canadians went the extra mile.

Croatia - A Different World

Croatia - A Different World

Mr. Neepin explains how the conflict in Croatia was different from that in Cyprus.

Why a Tour in Croatia?

Why a Tour in Croatia?

Mr. Neepin explains his reasons for volunteering for a tour in Croatia.

Reality Check - Gun to the Head

Reality Check - Gun to the Head

Mr. Neepin recalls a tense situation during which he and his sergeant’s lives were threatened.

Nicosia, Cyprus - No Man’s Land

Nicosia, Cyprus - No Man’s Land

Mr. Neepin explains some of the history of the conflict in Cyprus, and the significance of Nicosia.

Impressions of the Enemy

Impressions of the Enemy

Mr. Himes recalls his impression of the Chinese enemy, particularly his shock at the numbers of bodies sacrificed.

Out on Patrol

Out on Patrol

Mr. Himes describes the types of patrols in No Man’s Land (the valley separating the coalition force and Chinese held hills) that would be conducted under the cover of darkness, and recalls his participation in them.

Battle of Hill 187

Battle of Hill 187

Mr Himes describes his role in the Battle of Hill 187 - the worst action he was involved in while in Korea.

Premonitions of Death

Premonitions of Death

Mr. Himes recalls a friend telling him during the voyage to Korea that he feared he wouldn’t survive two weeks. Mr Himes then describes his friend’s fate.

Surprise! Off to War

Surprise! Off to War

Mr. Himes recalls joining up to be sent to Korea in quick fashion - so quick his mother barely had time to react at all, let alone try to stop him.

Stress of Being a Leader

Stress of Being a Leader

Mr. Gasser talks about what it is like to be in charge of men in a stressful environment.

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