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2919 results returned within branch Army
On Patrol in Bosnia

On Patrol in Bosnia

Mr. Fraser describes the devastation of a city and how the civilian people are left with nothing.

Peacekeeping vs. Peacemaking

Peacekeeping vs. Peacemaking

Mr. Fraser explains the responsibility of Canadian Forces soldiers in relation to peacekeeping missions and how the role has changed.

Defence Operations

Defence Operations

Mr. Dixon describes the operations within a platoon position and the depth of the soldiers defence position.

Responsibilities of a Platoon

Responsibilities of a Platoon

Mr. Dixon describes the responsibilities maintained in the patrol position of the 12th Platoon D Company and conditions faced by these soldiers.

Responsibilities of a Signalman

Responsibilities of a Signalman

Mr. Daniels explains his duties and responsibilities as a signalman between the front lines and headquarters.

Army Life is a Good Life

Army Life is a Good Life

Mr. Daniels provides a positive message to youth about accepting a career in army life.

Danger Getting to the Front Lines

Danger Getting to the Front Lines

Mr. Daniels shares with us the danger and the devastation he witnessed from the bombings when first arriving in Falaise.

Blacks in the Service

Blacks in the Service

Mr. Daniels expresses his opinion on how black people were not so willingly received into the service.

Commitment of Ground Forces

Commitment of Ground Forces

Mr. Pitts explains the importance of ground forces both during the Korean War and the missions our Canadian Forces soldiers are sent on today.

Platoon Commander on Fighting Patrol

Platoon Commander on Fighting Patrol

Mr. Pitts explains the responsibility of his patrol in making sure that the other patrols were protected and the challenges faced in protecting their own men.

Two Men Killed

Two Men Killed

Mr. Pitts describes a time when two of his ground crew were killed while laying wire in a minefield, on November 30, 1952.

The Hook Counter Attack

The Hook Counter Attack

As part of reinforcement, Mr. Pitts shares the experience when his platoon was commanded to relieve the British Black Watch Division and the devastation witnessed during the counter attack by the Chinese.

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