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2919 results returned within branch Army
Difficult Decisions

Difficult Decisions

Mr. Pitts speaks about the apprehension felt when reporting one of his infantry soldiers who refused duty.

Four Day Leave to Japan

Four Day Leave to Japan

Mr. Pitts tells us about delivering documents to Japan which provided him with a four-day leave of rest and relaxation.

Samachon Valley Patrols

Samachon Valley Patrols

Mr. Pitts speaks about commanding his platoon when it was being targeted by the Chinese.

Wounded in the Trench

Wounded in the Trench

Mr. Thorsen describes the night in the trenches when his ear drum was perforated and the medical treatment he received afterwards.

Returning to Civilian Life

Returning to Civilian Life

Mr. Thorsen reflects on his arrival home and the effect the war has had on his life.

Haunting Memories

Haunting Memories

Mr. Pitcairn discusses the sense of detachment he had from the immediate horrors of the battlefield, but having those memories haunt him in later years.

Mail From Home

Mail From Home

Mr. Pitcairn describes the importance of mail from home, and his disappointment over not receiving enough letters himself.

Gas Masks

Gas Masks

Mr. Pitcairn discusses the risk of gas attacks and compares the original flannel gas mask to the newer, more effective charcoal box filtered mask.

The Value of Horses

The Value of Horses

Mr. Pitcairn describes the value of horses, both as work animals and as a food source for the Germans.

Bicycle Courier

Bicycle Courier

Mr. MacLeod describes in humorous detail some of the risks of being a bicycle courier.

Shoot the rabbit

Shoot the rabbit

Mr. MacKay describes his unusual trip to join the 46th Battalion, and some strange music to accompany his first meal with his unit.

Signal Stations

Signal Stations

Mr. MacKay describes being selected from a pool of signalmen to join the 46th Battalion, and then describes his responsibilities during an infantry advance.

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