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2919 results returned within branch Army
City of Caen

City of Caen

Mr. Downe talks about the city of Caen and compares the size of it to his hometown of Charlottetown.

Don't Let This Fall Into Enemy Hands

Don't Let This Fall Into Enemy Hands

Mr. Downe talks about the responsibility that rested on his shoulders.

Top Secret Messages

Top Secret Messages

Mr. Downe talks about what some of the dispatch messages he delivered might have been about.

Trip Wires

Trip Wires

Mr. Downe tells us about the nerve racking night driving without lights.

Dispatcher’s Gear

Dispatcher’s Gear

Mr. Downe talks about the different items that he carried on his motorcycle.

Looking for Volunteers

Looking for Volunteers

Mr. Downe tells the story of his first time on a motorcycle.

Joining the Army

Joining the Army

Mr. Downe recalls the day he joined the army.

A Memory I will take to my Grave

A Memory I will take to my Grave

Of all life’s wonderful experiences, Mr. Sommerville shares a celebration New Year’s Eve, 1944 where the singing of Christmas carols by the local nuns was an inspiration never to be forgotten.

So Very Grateful

So Very Grateful

Mr. Sommerville remembers the camaraderie experienced during wartime and how grateful he is to have had the opportunity to return home.

Operation Duck

Operation Duck

Just nine days before the war ended, Mr. Sommerville recalls his adventures in “Operation Duck.”

The Luck of Changing Places

The Luck of Changing Places

Mr. Sommerville shares an emotional story of how his fellow corporal asked to switch places and for that reason Mr. Sommerville survived. His friend was not as fortunate.

The Sounds and Sights of Fighter Planes

The Sounds and Sights of Fighter Planes

Mr. Sommerville tells about building bridges while the fighting continues overhead.

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