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2919 results returned within branch Army
Shortsightedness Was No Obstacle!

Shortsightedness Was No Obstacle!

Mr. Burton discusses he and his friends' decision to enlist. He's found to be shortsighted, but the examining officer retests him after making him wait beside the vision chart for a half hour. He passes the retest!

A Very Special Hospital

A Very Special Hospital

Mrs. Mortimer explains why nursing at East Grinstead was the peak of her career!

The Guinea Pig Club

The Guinea Pig Club

Mrs. Mortimer recalls how the name came about.

Socializing With Patients

Socializing With Patients

Mrs. Mortimer shares her experience socializing with the patients of East Grinstead and the fond memories she has to this day.

The Doctors of East Grinstead

The Doctors of East Grinstead

Mrs. Mortimer expresses the respect given to the doctors by the patients.

Caring for the Burned Patients

Caring for the Burned Patients

Mrs. Mortimer describes the process of treating the severely burned patients.

Different Types of Skin Grafts

Different Types of Skin Grafts

Mrs. Mortimer describes the skin grafts performed by the doctors and how experimenting with the patients on all parts of their bodies was accepted.

More Than An Orthopedic Hospital

More Than An Orthopedic Hospital

Mrs. Mortimer shares a story of witnessing her first amputation of a patient’s leg and her feeling of weakness in the operating room.

The Decision to go to East Grinstead

The Decision to go to East Grinstead

Mrs. Mortimer tells of her decision to work as an operating room nurse alongside Dr. McIndoe at East Grinstead, all the time wondering if she could stand to care for such badly wounded patients in such a unique hospital environment.

Young Lady Starting A Career

Young Lady Starting A Career

Mrs. Mortimer reflects back on her early years and how the family decision to move to England provided her the opportunity to pursue a nursing career.

Massacre Environment

Massacre Environment

Mr. Terry remembers how quickly and easily killing could erupt.

Congolese Army

Congolese Army

Mr. Terry recalls a situation after meeting up with one of the local Congolese army.

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