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2919 results returned within branch Army
Spared by a German soldier

Spared by a German soldier

Mr. Zayachkowski describes being knocked out instead of shot by a German soldier, as he was searching for wounded Canadians in an abandoned house.

A Coincidental Reunion

A Coincidental Reunion

Mr. Zayachkowski describes going to his son’s church and meeting the pastor, a soldier he’d saved during his wartime service in North Africa.

A Headstrong Officer Dies

A Headstrong Officer Dies

Mr. Zayachkowski describes the death of an officer, fresh on the front, who doesn’t heed experienced advice.

I’m Trained to Save

I’m Trained to Save

Mr. Zayachkowski describes the types of wounds he dealt with, stopping bleeding as a first responder’s top priority, and visiting those he’d saved in hospitals on his rest days.

Encounter at Beny-sur-Mer

Encounter at Beny-sur-Mer

Mr. Bruce describes a touching encounter with a child survivor of the Allied advance through Beny-sur-Mer, during a post-war pilgrimage.

Starving Children in Holland

Starving Children in Holland

Mr. Bruce offers a sombre reflection about the starvation he witnessed in Holland, particularly its effect on children.

Germany’s Defiance of Military Convention

Germany’s Defiance of Military Convention

Mr. Bruce describes Germany’s use of captured American uniforms and jeeps, an illegal act in wartime, and how the Canadians became much more vigilant as a result.

Dead Livestock and Dysentery

Dead Livestock and Dysentery

Mr. Bruce describes the impact of dead livestock on local water supplies, and speculates that this carnage was responsible to some extent for the dysentery experienced by many of the troops.

The Treatment of Collaborators

The Treatment of Collaborators

Mr. Bruce discusses the treatment of collaborators and expresses some sympathy for them as oppressed civilians were faced with starvation.

The Art of Deception

The Art of Deception

Mr. Bruce describes strategies used by the British to convince the Germans that an invasion would take place in the Calais area of France.

Air Raid Deterrents

Air Raid Deterrents

Mr. Bruce describes blackouts, in England, to deter air raids. He also describes the use of cable secured balloons used to entangle low-flying German aircraft.

Spanish Influenza

Spanish Influenza

Mr. Brinson describes getting Spanish influenza and fearing for the lives of his family after sending them a letter he wrote while he was contagious with the Spanish flu. The consequences of this illness were evidenced by the deaths of eight infected soldiers in eight days.

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