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Spared by a German soldier

Heroes Remember

Spared by a German soldier

Ortona was a bad time to go. Was in one house and they were all, Germans all moved out already, but a bunch of wounded sat in there. So I, came the tank was start to burning. I seen, I looked in the tank there, officer in there, I pulled him out because he had half his heel shot off. When they hit the tank, it blew right, right into the tank so half his heel was cut off. So I pulled him out and the tank blew up and I started patch his heel up and I was looking around at house to see if any Germans or any more wounded people and I had my revolver. I pulled the trigger. A German came around the corner and I came from this side. I pulled that revolver and it jammed. And I was looking at revolver and he came and plonk over the head and I fell down, bleeding. He ran away. He could have shot me. And I thought to myself - oh people say, don’t shoot nobody, nobody’s going to shoot you. Well, that was true enough. He could’ve, he could’ve got me.

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