Remembrance Day Importance to Youth
Heroes Remember
Remembrance Day Importance to Youth
At Remembrance Day, people so interested nowadays, unbelievable you know.
We go to lots of schools before Remembrance Day, old
folks home, different towns, give speeches to the high school
kids. They're really asking lots of questions, you know. Very
interested, you know. Every year we go and do that, you know.
I say, you guys can still talk so many years, I said, what can we
do? I have to tell you guys. When you grow up, you'll know who
your parents were, who your friends was, when we're gone so
you'll know how to preach to other people. Think back you know
about your, some of your pals. Never could see the world again
and left their lives there, you know and you've saved, trying to
save their lives but couldn't do it. But you came back.
Something like, lots, like we go to funerals. We have these
ceremony funerals. People say, well how you guys do that, you
give such a nice service for our buddies that died, or mother or
father or whatever. He said, “It's one of our guys. We fought
together so we got to pay respect to them, so that parents,
brother, sister would know that we still care for them.”
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