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968 results returned within branch Air Force
First Encounter on Guard Duty

First Encounter on Guard Duty

Mr. Finley describes his encounter with an unidentified person while on guard duty late one night. He also provides an overview of guard duty protocol.

Introduction to Guard Duty

Introduction to Guard Duty

Mr. Finley describes his introduction to Guard Duty while still on the home front. He explains how his superior conveyed the importance of this task, though to a new recruit it might seem insignificant and unimportant.

Manning Depot

Manning Depot

Mr. Finley describes his experience at Manning Depot shortly after enlisting and being accepted into the Air Force.

Aerial Operations in Holland

Aerial Operations in Holland

Mr. Hanna recalls missions in Holland and launching precision-strikes using rockets.

Initial Training School

Initial Training School

Mr. Hanna describes his training and the first time he flew solo.

Description of the Typhoon

Description of the Typhoon

Mr. Hanna describes the Typhoon fighter plane - it's limitations and it's best operational uses.

First Combat Experience

First Combat Experience

Mr. Hanna describes his first combat experience and how a German radio operator tried to confuse and disorient him by posing as a British operator.

Living in the Desert

Living in the Desert

Mr. Barrie speaks about his time in the Far East living in a tent.

Crashing Into the North Sea

Crashing Into the North Sea

Mr. Reynolds describes flying over the North Sea in the middle of November. They did not realize that the place was only about ten feet above the water and began descending. Crashing into the North Sea, he broke his back and had to hang on to a dingy and blow a whistle until being rescued by a fishing fleet.

Trying to Find a Place to Land

Trying to Find a Place to Land

Mr. Reynolds describes how the weather had severely deteriorated while they were away from base, such that when the time came to land, they couldn't find the base, or anywhere, to set the Boston down. They finally spot landed.

A High Casualty Rate Inquiry

A High Casualty Rate Inquiry

Mr. Reynolds talks about how high the casualty rates were with the Boston's, and the fact that an inquiry was sent out by Mackenzie King to determine what the problem was. On a day with particularly dreadful weather, he and his crew were sent up to demonstrate the problems with the plane.

Encounter with a flak-ship

Encounter with a flak-ship

Mr. Wonnacott discusses an encounter with a flak-ship, and about fear in combat.

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