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968 results returned within branch Air Force
Prairie pride

Prairie pride

Mr. Moore talks about how his Prairie background helped instill a sense of do-it-yourself behaviour, and the values that came from that.

Taking on two destroyers ( Part 2 of 2)

Taking on two destroyers ( Part 2 of 2)

Mr. Moore continues his story, with great emotion, desrcibing how difficult it was splitting up the crew, because of how close they had become.

Taking on two destroyers (Part 1 of 2)

Taking on two destroyers (Part 1 of 2)

Mr. Moore describes how his crew always stuck together on a night out. He then describes a particularly close call in attacking a submarine being flanked by two destroyers.



Mr. Moore became a leader at the young age of eighteen. He expresses his thoughts about leadership, a big part being consideration for other people and knowing your people.

Attacking submarines

Attacking submarines

Mr. Moore describes how low he would fly on a surface attack on a submarine and how depth charges and acoustic and magnetic homing torpedos were used.

Two U-boats sank on same sortie

Two U-boats sank on same sortie

Mr. Moore tells how he and his crew detected and sank two U-boats in 22 minutes. He also talks about how some of his flying techniques may have helped them (when three other crews were lost).

Convoy escort duties

Convoy escort duties

Mr. Moore talks about how sturdy the plane was, and the evolving role of the Liberator, from long range to shorter convoy escort duties.

The crew of the Liberator

The crew of the Liberator

Mr. Moore talks about the Liberator and the crew assignments for her. He also talks about why the Liberator was used in addition to the other well-known RAF aircraft (Halifax's, Sunderlands, Lancasters).

Air Training and Liberators

Air Training and Liberators

Mr. Moore talks about his training and how he ended up flying Liberators for 61 missions.

Set free by the Germans

Set free by the Germans

Mr. Gouinlock describes how they went back to Liège after being set free by the Germans and how lucky he feels that he was not shot.

Germans shoot two Belgians

Germans shoot two Belgians

Mr. Gouinlock describes how the Germans shot 2 of the hostages right in front of them.

Digging Graves

Digging Graves

Mr. Gouinlock talks about how he and the other 39 hostages had to sleep in a barn and in the morning were handed shovels and told to start digging.

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