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Taking on two destroyers ( Part 2 of 2)

Heroes Remember

Taking on two destroyers ( Part 2 of 2)

Now you know when I look back on it, it scares the hell out of me but at the time you're young, you go home and you have a beer and talk about it. And you think you put it in storage, and that you've handled it, and that isn't the way it worked out. We were so close, and yet we didn't maintain that closeness or anywhere

Photograph of Bombers in formation.

near it when we were taken off Ops and all went on our way to go home. Now we stayed in contact a bit, but I often why that was, and I think it was because we were so close, that you sort of don't want to spoil it. But I noticed, you know, going back to when we knew that the end of a crew was coming, that, we never talked about it. We were in this room that I told you about, up at the Guinness Castle, and, our batman, I had a batman, so he batmanned the whole works of us. He worked in a brewery and he used to bring some neat scotch over and the crew would lay up there night after night and we had a good Scotchman who knew Robbie Burns better than Robbie Burns did I think. And that's, and then all of a sudden, wham, you've got your kitbag going this way and... That's difficult.

Mr. Moore continues his story, with great emotion, desrcibing how difficult it was splitting up the crew, because of how close they had become.

Ken Moore

Born in Rock Haven, Saskatchewan, Ken Moore was the youngest of eight children. His father died when he was very young and his mother raised the family on her own. After graduating from highschool, he hitchhiked to Vancouver, BC and joined the Air Force. During the war, he piloted 61 missions, in Liberators, on coastal escort duties and submarine patrols. During one such mission, his crew sank two U-boats in 22 minutes. Because of this act he was awarded the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) and the Silver Star (by the US).

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
Person Interviewed:
Ken Moore
War, Conflict or Mission:
Second World War
Air Force
224 Squadron

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