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968 results returned within branch Air Force
Crewing up / First action

Crewing up / First action

Mr. Garrison describes his first combat action.

Trip to London

Trip to London

Mr. Garrison describes travelling to London and his interest in local history.

Comparing bombers

Comparing bombers

Mr. Garrison describes different turret capabilities of the Halifax and Lancaster bomber.

"We were not all heroes..."

"We were not all heroes..."

Mr. Coffell describes a less than honourable way to survive the war.

Flying on course; for better or worse.

Flying on course; for better or worse.

Mr. Coffell describes the need for disciplined flying regardless of the consequences.

" had to be right."

" had to be right."

Mr. Coffell's reflections on being a navigator.

"...a thing called a Bullseye."

"...a thing called a Bullseye."

Mr. Coffell describes a method of decoying German antiaircraft activity.

"...a terrible experience with a wonderful ending."

"...a terrible experience with a wonderful ending."

Mr. Coffell talks about being put on charge for a training mishap.

"The first paying job..."

"The first paying job..."

Mr. Coffell discusses his and other recruits' reasons for enlisting.

Reason to Fight

Reason to Fight

Mr. Spackman describes what he thinks the reasons should be for fighting for ones country.

Scrounging for Food

Scrounging for Food

Mr. Spackman tells of stealing food from pigs!

POW of the Hitler Youth

POW of the Hitler Youth

Mr. Spackman describes being a POW at the hands of the Hitler Youth.

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