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968 results returned within branch Air Force
Lost Crews

Lost Crews

Mr. Hosegood remembers the crews that didn’t make the journey home.

Ground Fire and Good Fortune

Ground Fire and Good Fortune

Mr. Hosegood talks about bombing rail yards, being shot at, and not being able to see what was going on.

Bombing Bangkok

Bombing Bangkok

Mr. Hosegood talks about a 15 hour flight to Bangkok and a harbor full of Japanese war ships.

Indian Tea and the First Flight Test

Indian Tea and the First Flight Test

Mr. Hosegood remembers simple pleasures like being served tea in the morning when he arrived in India, and discusses his first operational flight with an experienced crew.

Becoming an Officer

Becoming an Officer

Mr. Goettler talks about being recommended to become an officer.

Football Story

Football Story

Mr. Goettler talks about playing football in the mess hall, and getting into trouble.

Remembering Bud Wilson

Remembering Bud Wilson

Mr. Goettler expresses his feelings for his late friend Bud Wilson, who died in the war. Respecting Bud, Mr. Goettler explains, is what Remembrance Day is about for him.

Hearing It On The Radio

Hearing It On The Radio

Mr. Goettler talks about listening to the radio during a flight mission when he wasn’t supposed to, and hearing that the war in Europe had ended.

Losing Bud Wilson

Losing Bud Wilson

Mr. Goettler talks about the death of his best friend and other soldiers in his crew.

Drinking Before A Trip

Drinking Before A Trip

Mr. Goettler talks about a lesson he learned the hard way about drinking the night before a flight.

A Helpful Native

A Helpful Native

Mr. Goettler describes getting lost in the jungle and trying to find water.

Dangerous jungle hike

Dangerous jungle hike

Mr. Goettler talks about a dangerous jungle survival training hike.

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