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78 results returned within location Bosnia
Support for Soldiers Returning Home

Support for Soldiers Returning Home

Mr. Wiseman provides his opinion to the support for military soldiers returning home and how his wife recognized and supported his emotional needs.

Bothered by the Sound of Crying

Bothered by the Sound of Crying

Mr. Wiseman tells of being on guard patrol, hearing the sound of crying, yet not being able to assist because of a mother’s fear of the soldier’s presence

Living Like the Refugees

Living Like the Refugees

Mr. Wiseman shares his realization of how the military service in Bosnia effected himself and his family when returning home.

Playing Tricks for Fun

Playing Tricks for Fun

Mr. Wiseman shares a funny story of how he tricked a fellow soldier when buying bread from the locals.

Protection with a Firearm

Protection with a Firearm

Mr. Wiseman explains the level of readiness a soldier has to have while under constant threat of intimidation.

Evacuating the Injured

Evacuating the Injured

Mr. Wiseman relates the harsh reality of being a soldier while evacuating the injured being separated from their family.

Assisting at the Hospital

Assisting at the Hospital

Mr. Wiseman describes the sights witnessed within the hospital and the horrific conditions of the wounded.

Desperate for Survival

Desperate for Survival


Parachutes to Pants

Parachutes to Pants

Mr. Wiseman describes the level of survival the Bosnian people went to in order to clothe their children and obtain food in the town.

Meeting the Locals

Meeting the Locals

Mr. Wiseman tells of speaking with the locals and trying to understand their culture and means of survival.

Duties of the UN

Duties of the UN

Mr. Wiseman describes the responsibility and the value of the UN presence in Bosnia.

In the Heat of War

In the Heat of War

Mr. Wiseman describes his presence in Bosnia as a real eye opener while being there for the purpose of providing humanitarian aid.

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