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329 results returned within occupation Pilot
Fighter Attack

Fighter Attack

Mr. James discusses being attacked by fighters and the successful defence of his aircraft.

Fire in the Sky

Fire in the Sky

Mr. James discusses the dangers of flak and a nearly tragic air strike over the Ruhr Valley.

Flying the Lancaster

Flying the Lancaster

Mr. James discusses his admiration of the Lancaster bomber.

A Not So "Ducky" Situation

A Not So "Ducky" Situation

Mr. James discusses an amusing training incident.

Keep Canada safe

Keep Canada safe

Mr. James discusses his reasons for and the process of enlistment.

Reason to Fight

Reason to Fight

Mr. Spackman describes what he thinks the reasons should be for fighting for ones country.

Scrounging for Food

Scrounging for Food

Mr. Spackman tells of stealing food from pigs!

POW of the Hitler Youth

POW of the Hitler Youth

Mr. Spackman describes being a POW at the hands of the Hitler Youth.

Shot down

Shot down

Mr. Spackman describes being shot down and taken prisoner. He describes the night before being taken by his captors to see the Pope.

Close Calls on the Way Back to England

Close Calls on the Way Back to England

Mr. Spackman describes some close calls he had on his way back to England from the POW camps.

You Lose Friends in the Military

You Lose Friends in the Military

Mr. Hawn remembers losing friends in the service, and as Commanding Officer at Cold Lake, having to present the flag from the coffin of a dead airmen to his widow.

Peacemaking, Not Peacekeeping

Peacemaking, Not Peacekeeping

Mr. Hawn differentiates between the terms 'peacekeeping' and 'peacemaking', using Canada's role in Afghanistan as an example.

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